Make the Most of Your Small Vegetable Gardening Space

By Cindy Robles

Growing up, I lived in a 3 bedroom row home in the city. Although we did have a backyard, it wasn't large enough to have the garden my dad always wanted. But he know how to take advantage of his small space using a few techniques that I am about to share with you. None of them are over the top, just some practical, common-sense ways to enjoy high yields from a small garden space.

One of the easiest things you can do right now is to pick plants with high yields. By growing plants that produce abundantly, you will need to plant fewer of them. For instance, cherry tomato plants, peas, beans and zucchini all have very high yields. So, simply planting just one or two could produce all that you need.

Do you companion plant? Companion planting is the process of planting vegetables with different needs next to one another. It may mean that they require different nutrients and by planting them together, they do not fight for the same nutrients. Two plants can structurally support one another. For example, Royal Burgundy Beans planted between your corn will allow the beans to use the corn as a trellis. Or, it may mean that one plant provides needed shade for a smaller plant. I love planting lettuce under my tomatoes in the hot summer. You get a high yield of lettuce will into the summer because the tomato?s shade keeps the lettuce from bolting.

You should always try to rotate crops from season to season to prevent disease. In-season crop rotation is another way to increase your harvest. To accomplish this, you plant your vegetables based on their temperature requirements. Plant cold tolerant plants in the early spring when temperatures are cool and then replace them (after they have been harvested) with summer varieties.

Learn how to grow vegetables vertically. You might be limited on the amount of space you have, but the sky is the limit, literally, when you grow your plants vertically. Vegetables such as cucumbers, beans and some squash are great candidates for vertical growing. Allowing them to grow horizontally can consume a tremendous amount of your precious garden space. If plants grow up a strong structure, you can use all that vertical space to your advantage. And, this will allow you to grow more varieties, too.

As you can see, these simple solutions can help you realize an abundant vegetable garden harvest with limited space. Adopt these common-sense ideas and you will be well on your way to harvesting more vegetables from your garden this season. - 32616

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Hydroponic Strawberries - 10 Reasons To Make Your Own

By Damian Jackson

Have you ever considered growing your own hydroponic strawberries? They are delicious and you could make money from them!

If you would like to know just some of the benefits of growing your own hydroponic strawberries, then read the list below.

1. You don't need a garden to grow hydroponic strawberries so anybody can do it! If you live in a crowded apartment block in the city centre you can grow them! If you live in the desert or Antarctica then its not a problem!

2. Because you're not using soil, no soil borne diseases will be passed on to the plants! This solves a big problem for many gardeners.

3. There will be no need to eliminate any soil loving pests! So you will have no need to use any expensive or controversial pesticides.

4. Once you have your strawberries growing, your running costs will be around 20% lower compared to soil based gardening.

5. You can grow more hydroponic strawberries in a smaller area! This is due to the decreased size of the roots as they don't have to spread out to find nutrients. So you will be able to grow more in your growing trays.

6. Maintenance time is greatly reduced from as soon as your system is set up. There is no need to water your strawberries as they will already have access to all the nutrients. There is also no weeding involved as there is no soil. All you really need to do is pick the strawberries as and when they're ready.

7. The yield is year round. You control the growing conditions and you will have them set to the strawberries optimum levels so that they will continue to produce without a break due to the seasons.

8. You can grow hydroponic strawberries anywhere; greenhouse, cellar, kitchen, conservatory, rooftop, window ledge, living room or in the garden.

9. Hydroponic strawberries grow on average 40% bigger than their soil grown counterparts. This is because they have permanent access to all the nutrients they need and you have created the ideal growing environment for them! - 32616

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9 Reasons To Grow Hydroponic Tomatoes

By Charlie Jackson

If you're thinking of growing your own hydroponic tomatoes then you should as they are delicious and you can make some serious money.

Below are some reasons why you should grow hydroponic tomatoes.

1. As you won't be growing your tomatoes in soil, no soil borne diseases will be passed on! You will end up with much healthier tomatoes as a result which will really show!

2. For the same reason, you will not need to spend money on pesticides to eliminate any soil loving pests and other creatures. A gardeners worst problem is solved.

3. Once the initial start up costs have been made, running costs are around 20% lower with hydroponics as opposed to traditional soil based gardening.

4. You will be able to plant more tomatoes in a smaller area! This is despite them actually growing larger too! The reason for this is because the roots do not need to grow as large in hydroponic environments.

5. Maintenance time is greatly reduced when growing hydroponic tomatoes. Weeding doesn't exist in hydroponic gardens and there is no need to water them as they already have full access to all the nutrients they need! In fact all you need to do is sit back and pick them once they're ready!

6. The yield is year long and permanent! You control their environment and you will make it so that it's optimum for tomatoes all the time. When it's off season you can sell them for higher prices.

7. You can grow hydroponic tomatoes anywhere; conservatory, living room, garage, roof top, window ledge or cellar.

8. They will grow on average 40% larger as you will have created the ideal growing environment for them and they have full access to all the nutrients they need.

9. As you will not be watering them, there will be no danger of you either under or over watering them and putting them in danger. This is a big problem faced by many novice gardeners. - 32616

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